Environmental Audit Committee chases SMR fantasies. Support our campaign to change its priorities!

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) of the House of Commons are busy chasing nuclear corporate fantasies for small modular reactors.

We want to complain about this set of priorities and insist on an enquiry into the practicalities of a 100 per cent renewable energy system for the UK.

However we need more funds to mount this campaign. Please donate to our Go Fund Me! website (see below)

We want to organise a petition and events in order to mount a complaint to the EAC about their misplaced priorities. Please think about 100per cent renewables rather than nuclear SMRs EAC!
As can be seen here https://committees.parliament.uk/event/20052/formal-meeting-oral-evidence-session/ the EAC has been holding a biased enquiry with oral evidence that does not include anybody who is sceptical of this technology.

There is widespread scepticism among independent analysts about SMRs. The only serious effort to commercialise this technology for civil purposes, Nuscale in the USA, has been cancelled because of failing economic prospects.

Please donate to our funds! You can donate by going to this crowdfunder website: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-100-per-cent-renewable-uk

Thanks for any support that you can give us!

Best Wishes,

David Toke, Director 100percentrenewableUK

Previous fruits of the Go Fund Me! backed campaign has included our report on a model of 100%RenewableUK.  See details on our home page at https://100percentrenewableuk.org/

One thought on “Environmental Audit Committee chases SMR fantasies. Support our campaign to change its priorities!”

  1. Interesting how we continue to conflate renewables with Net Zero. First and foremost: the two are not the same.

    Renewables are proven. Net Zero is a theoretical concept that may not be achievable, or even necessary, for all we know. Net Zero is also subscribed to by IAEA (nuclear), who list the IPCC as a principal collaborator, and rolls out the red carpet, for nuclear outrageous, lying low-CO2 propaganda. True or not, in the eye of the public, the more urgent we paint the deemed climate emergency, the more the public perceives a shortage, and the more headroom we create for the frankly barmy nuclear power argument. Banging the climate crisis drum – true or not – is by no means our strongest argument. There are stronger cards to play, the weaker of which, surprisingly, is death-dealing nuclear pollution – notwithstanding Ian Fairlie’s excellent work exposing it.

    The unanswerable argument for 100% renewables is this:
    Distributed nuclear power – large or small reactors – and bunker-busting cruise missiles cannot exist in the same world.

    We have enough nuclear exclusion zones already. At least six in the UK alone.

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