Professor Christian Breyer of LUT University in Finland and Jonathon Porritt will be speaking at a webinar on Friday September 3rd (noon start) on the subject of ‘100 per cent renewable energy in Europe’. This is in support of the effort to raise funds for the 100 per cent renewable energy model for the UK which is being organised by 100percentrenewableuk.
Please donate to the fund to pay for the model to be done here! We still have a long way to go to pay for the study to be done!
After an introduction by Jonathon Porritt, Professor Beyer will talk about ‘100 per cent renewable energy in Europe’. Then he will answer some questions on the subject. After then we shall conduct a fundraising auction for the signed copy of Jonathon Porritt’s book! Jonathon Porritt is founder of ‘Forum for the Future’ and is perhaps the leading British author on green politics. His latest book is called ‘Hope in Hell’.
Christian Breyer is leading the team that has been chosen by 100percentrenwable uk to do the 100percent renewableuk model.
Christian Breyer is Professor for Solar Economy at LUT University, Finland. His major expertise is the integrated research of technological and economic characteristics of renewable energy systems specialising in energy system modeling for 100% renewable energy, on a local but also global scale. His team published the most studies on 100% renewable energy systems for countries or major regions globally. Energy system transition studies are carried out in full hourly and high geo-spatial resolution. Publications cover integrated sector analyses with power, heat, transport, desalination, industry and negative CO2 emission options. Power-to-X investigations is a core research field for his team. He published more than 300 scientific papers, thereof more than 100 in scientific journals. He worked previously for Reiner Lemoine Institut, Berlin, and Q-Cells (now: Hanwha Q Cells). He is member of ETIP PV, IEA-PVPS, scientific committee of the EU PVSEC and IRES, scientific advisory board of CO2 Value Europe, academic council of Global Alliance Powerfuels, chairman for renewable energy at the Energy Watch Group, reviewer for the IPCC and a co-founder of the Desertec Foundation. His academic background is general business, physics and energy systems engineering and a PhD in electrical engineering. He communicates in Twitter @ChristianOnRE.